The London/Essex border - Gerpins

Boundary London/Essex/Havering
The boundary goes south west down Warwick Lane and then turns south east along the eastern boundary of Warwick Wood

Post to the west Berwick Manor
Post to the north Corbets Tey
Post to the east Brambles Lane
Post to the south Warwick Woods

Sites on the London,Havering, side of the bondary

Aveley Road
Damyns Hall Farm. In the 19th run by Vellacott and then Paveley families. It was allegedly a 16th building with a studded nine part front door. 16 roomed house with a slabbed pantry and a well under the house reached by an external staircase. The hall was burnt down in 1965.
Damyns – military airfield - fun flights and the Military Vehicle Trust. The airfield is the only private airfield in London and dates from 1969.

Gerpins Lane
Gerpins Farm. Gerpins was one of the manors of Rainham and the farm is marked on the Ordnance Survey map of 1805. It was earlier recorded as Gerpilesplaces 1401, Gerpeviles alias Gerdviles 1510. This was a manorial name from the family of John and Laurence de Garpeville who are mentioned in 13th records and came from Gerponville in France. This was an ancient site but an 18th manor house was demolished as part of the gravel works.
Garden wall of c. 1700 from the manor house of Gerpins.
Holy Bread land supplied the money for an annual loaf of bread for the church. Saxon remains – grave goods found in 1937 - Shield bosses, spearheads, jewellery, pottery, and, unique in Britain, two glass drinking horns – also two coins, brooches, rings, and bronze bound-wooden buckets. One coin, a golden solidus of Mauritius Tiberius A.D.582-602) was set in a frame of gold wire for use as a pendant
Walkers Sand and Ballast Ltd.
Gerpins Lane quarry. Finds from a period before the Bronze Age 2,000 B.C., when copper and bronze tools and ornaments began to appear alongside stoneand flint items. A complete beaker was found here.
Havering tip. This is on the site of the Second World War bomb cemetery which itself was on the site of sandpits.

Paynes Hill
17th farmhouse


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